Fishing regulations for the spring Chinook fishery in the Klamath River Basin remain in effect following the June meeting of the California Fish and Game Commission.
The Commission did vote to list Upper Klamath and Trinity River spring Chinook salmon as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act. Sport fishing regulatory changes implemented during species candidacy remain in effect. Additional regulatory changes were not made at the meeting and may be forthcoming in the future if warranted.
The spring Chinook salmon fishery on the lower Klamath River (downstream of the Highway 96 bridge at Weitchpec) and Trinity River (upstream of the confluence of the South Fork Trinity River) opened July 1 and run through Aug. 14 on the Klamath River and through Aug. 31 on the Trinity River. The daily bag limit remains at one Chinook salmon (no size restrictions), and a possession limit set of two Chinook salmon.
The Fish and Game Commission adopted fall Chinook quota and fishery regulations during its May teleconference meeting. The fall Chinook fishery in the Klamath River will open Aug. 15, and in the Trinity River, the fall recreational Chinook salmon season begins Sept. 1. The Klamath Basin’s in-river quota is 1,221 adult fall Chinook salmon for 2021.
Fall Chinook regulations on length have changed since 2019, with the adult size now being greater than 23 inches in total length (previously 22 inches). Bag limits will remain the same as 2020, with a two-fish daily bag limit, with no more than one fish over 23 inches (such as one adult and one jack). The possession limit remains the same at six fish, with no more than three fish over 23 inches (effectively three daily bag limits).
Anglers can obtain information on Klamath Basin regulations and fall Chinook quota updates by calling the Klamath-Trinity fishing hotline at (800) 564-6479.
CDFW reminds anglers that California is in the midst of a drought, to fish responsibly, and to avoid fishing waters visibly suffering from the drought’s impacts where warm water and low water conditions already may be stressing fish populations.