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Through love and legacy
Mommy Musings 5-8-24

Call it occupational hazard, overthinking or simply self-awareness; I’m not sure. But quite easily for the past decade of life I’ve spoken with my kids on the semi-regular about “legacy.”

I’ve written on this topic a variety of times in the tenure of this column space. So for those who recall, my apologies, yet it is a topic I continue to be fascinated by.

Recognizing early on as a single mom on a journalist salary there would be no trust fund status for my duo when I pass. That, coupled by exposure to some pretty exemplary community members through my said career, legacy found its way to the forefront of my mind.

Several years back, probably more like a decade ago, I recall one of our many car conversations before or after school as they were learning about Martin Luther King Jr. Both in awe, as well as inspired by King and the change brought on through his life, I shared with my children, how indeed one person can change the world. At minimum, the actions and conviction of one individual can be impactful.

This is where we come back to, legacy and how one will leave an impact once long gone.

Today we hear the buzz words of influencers, inspirational speakers and the like as they speak on intentionality.

Late last week, I had the honor of sitting in a pew of a Catholic church and listening to the priest of the church, as well as the family speak on the legacy of a loved one lost.

The testimony from her grandchildren and youngest son were both touching, as well as inspiring. And yes, the word “legend,” as well as stories demonstrating a legendary life were shared.

Following the service, many of us spoke of not only how lovely it was, but thought-provoking and inspiring as well.

Eighty-two years of life she was blessed to roam this planet. Through stories from her family and friends (following the service) one thing became evident, there was nothing she took for granted. Not time, nor opportunity, or chance to serve, she did it all and gratefully so. A true life lived fully, not hindered or slowed by the passing of time.

Her grandchildren, their pride for their grammy and the unique bond they individually shared with her was perhaps what impacted me personally the most.

Now with two children of my own, in their late teen years, I daydreamed a bit on what kind of grandmother I will be. Instantly, just like when I was young and daydreamed of being a mother, I thought of where’d I like to be in life when that day comes. The freedoms I strive to have so my children can rely on me to care for their children as I once did them. The joy and ability to love on them as I did their parents and then send them home.

It’s a funny thing, as I type this, I realize how silly it may seem for some readers. The fantasy of loving on my future grandchildren, following the inspiration from a funeral of all things.

The beauty of it all is multifold. While traditionally speaking it was a “funeral,” it was more so what so many of us have come to know truly as a Celebration of Life. A celebration of a woman who not only lived a wonderful life, but left a lasting impression on multiple generations. And through that celebration, the passing of this one unique and special human inspired many of us in varying ways.

To live to 82 is a gift, it was also in her case a life of intention. Intentional living through family, giving, traveling, staying active and committed to life and those she loved most. In short, it was a life of legacy.

Cheers to a life well lived. To a legacy lived and to an inspiration which will continue to pay homage to a one-of-a-kind lady.


Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 209-847-3021.