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Heat is on
Mommy Musings 6-5-24

As I type this on the morning of June 4, today hosts a weather prediction of 101 degrees with an “excessive heat warning.” Good times.


While the solstice calendar has the official first day of summer arriving on June 20, I’d say that weather prediction has the season here on special delivery.

Truth be told, summer is not my favorite. I’m more of a spring/fall, mild weather kinda gal. When the heat is on, chances are you will find me in two places; close to water or indoors. Well, that’s at least my preference.

My partner on the other hand loves the heat, as well as working outside. Call me a glutton for punishment or just plain crazy, but more times than not, I’m right alongside him – sweating (and getting a little tan). So there’s a bonus to the insanity.

Days being longer mean we are out and getting to it earlier than later with the compromise of pool time or stopping for lunch in a favorite watering hole coming around 2 or 2:30 p.m.

This year is the first in a very long time that I’ve been cleared to return to the outdoors and the water. I could not be more thrilled.

I still recall the first time I was able to fully immerse myself in the pool last summer. Swimming laps in the early sunlight was a joy I never knew I missed, as well as a moment which filled my heart - we made it.

Now looking forward to summer, as a family we have no “big” getaway planned, but rather will be staycationing our little hearts out. Paddle boards will be dusted off and loaded up, road trips to the mountains, the coast and the city are quickly filling our calendar.

With two working teens very little travel will be done on the weekends, which I’m sure will make it all the better. Weekday getaways will indeed be a “thing.”

Looking at my planner last week as I discussed this with my duo, I couldn’t help but recall the summer days when they were little.

A single mom on a limited budget, life then looked very similar to what we have planned now.

Weekday travels to the beach for a picnic, Micke Grove to see the animals, Oakdale Cheese to feed the livestock or even Bass Pro Shops were inexpensive things which not only kept us busy but made for great memories.

Bass Pro? Yes. You read that right. Back in the day, the movie theater in Manteca offered $5 movies during the week. At least twice a month we would find ourselves at the movie theater, followed by a walk over to Bass Pro to see the fish, shoot the target guns, fantasize on the Mules and yes even the boats.

Simplicity at its finest.

At the time, I was simply trying to not only keep my two littles busy, but hoped to make a few memories as well. Apparently it worked.

Recently as the three of us talked about summer and some of the things we’d like to do, they both recalled many of the things I’ve shared above. Success.

This August my daughter will become a senior in high school and my son will begin his first year of college (coming off of a “gap” year). As they grow our moments together become less and less. This summer for us as a family will be intentional.

Watching our littles grow to bigs is truly a conflicting feeling.

As a mom I’m proud of how far they’ve come, all that they’ve achieved and the futures they have planned for themselves. Selfishly I do miss loading them into their car seats, surprising them through blindfolds as we head to Capitola or reading them a night time story.

At the end of it all however, I’m grateful for the awareness of the fleeting moments, two young adults who still want to ‘hang’ with mom on occasion and the ability to continue with simplicity and memories. Don’t blink.


Teresa Hammond is a staff reporter for The Oakdale Leader, The Riverbank News and The Escalon Times. She may be reached at or by calling 209-847-3021.