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Support for Measure G
Letter To The Editor 9-25-24

Dear Editor,

A medical doctor and a teacher will tell you without equivocation, that a healthy and a safe environment is of paramount importance when it comes to all kids involved in the learning process. That is why we and many other folks in the Oakdale Joint Unified School District are joining together to support Measure G, a facilities fund that will provide critically needed upgrades, renovations and other fixes to buildings and classrooms where our kids go to learn.

Some of our schools date back to the 1940’s. Some have heating and A/C problems. Some have sewage and electrical issues that cry out to be fixed. The majority of State school budgets simply do not cover facility maintenance, never did. The greater majority count on school bonds with matching State funds to keep pace with facility maintenance, building expansions and new facilities. That’s exactly what Measure G is and does.

Ask anyone in our District and they will tell you that our school boards have made excellent use of facility funds. They are and will continue to be excellent stewards of your money. They will do exactly what Measure G says needs to be done for our worn-out classrooms in order to protect our children.

Please join us – Chet and Mike – and hundreds of other Oakdale School District citizens in their support for Measure G. Thank you.

Chet Mahida, MD

Mike Tozzi, Retired Stanislaus County Superior Court Executive Officer