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Letters To The Editor 8-28-19

Seeking Support For Measure


Dear Editor,

Measure H, previously measure Y, will be showing up on our election ballot this November. It proposes citizens pay a half-cent sales tax, which we are currently already paying, to help fund necessary city enhancements and improvements. Making up 17 percent of our city budget, the funds collected from this tax supports our police and fire departments as well as helps fund our senior center and other essential city needs. Without this extra sales tax, our city will eventually lose up to six police officers, four firefighters, and essential city maintenance support such as street sweeping and lighting. Our city depends on these things to help keep us safe and comfortable, and the loss of their necessary funding will undoubtedly create a negative effect on our city. Come November, I will be voting yes on measure H, to continue the financial support this city needs to ensure optimal well-being. For safety, quality of life, and peace of mind for our city and for our families, I hope you will be voting YES on measure H too!

Amy Velasco

Chairperson: Oakdale Planning Commission

President: Oakdale Enrichment Society

Parent and longtime Oakdale resident

Look For The Individual Good
Letter to the Editor 2-5-25
We must unite in demanding compassion and understanding from those who refuse to see beyond the negative portrayals of immigrants.
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