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Letter to the Editor 7-31-24

Focus on lawful, safe driving


Dear Editor,

When did the laws change regarding stopping at stop signs and stop lights? Recently, while running some errands around Oakdale, I was narrowly missed by a large truck that didn’t bother to stop at a red light. The driver drove right through the light at a fast speed. If I had not bothered to notice, he would have broadsided my car, killing me. Then 20 minutes later at the corner of A Street and North First Avenue, a driver blew right through the stop sign. I’ve also noticed many times that drivers will fail to make a complete stop at stop signs and proceed if they notice no cars approaching.

What’s going on? Driving habits have certainly deteriorated in the last few years. I blame part of it on the fact that drivers training and drivers education are no longer available in our high schools.

People need to realize that stop signs and stop lights are not mere suggestions. Drivers need to STOP and protect the safety of themselves and others on the road. Please drive lawfully.

Gary Jones,
