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Yosemite AFP Chapter Plans Fall Fundraising Conference

Association for Fundraising Professional (AFP) – CA, Yosemite Chapter, will host the 2023 biennial AFP Central Valley Fundraising Conference (CVFC) on Thursday, Oct. 12, 2023 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The conference will be held at the Modesto Centre Plaza located in downtown Modesto and will bring together nonprofit leaders, development officers, and fundraising experts from across the Central Valley.

AFP aims to provide nonprofit organizations with the tools, strategies, and inspiration needed to thrive in today’s challenging fundraising landscape. Through a combination of keynote presentations, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, participants will gain valuable insights and practical knowledge to advance their fundraising efforts.

“We are thrilled to once again host the Central Valley Fundraising Conference, which serves as a vital platform for nonprofit professionals to gain invaluable insights, connect with peers, and strengthen their fundraising efforts,” said Arnold Chavez, President of AFP CA, Yosemite Chapter.

Attendees can expect an impressive lineup of industry-leading speakers who will share their expertise on various aspects of fundraising, as well hear from special guest Mike Geiger, President and CEO of AFP Global. This event is designed to inspire and empower the community; organizers said they “look forward to delivering a memorable and impactful conference.”

To save your seat or learn more about the conference, visit