How lucky can you get? Electrician, Mike Burghardt, who is employed by Square D, Co., recently returned from working on electrical problems at a Naval facility in Honolulu, Hawaii. Mike, when he had finished with his work, was able to enjoy some free time exploring the waters around the island with our grandson, Jeff. The two had a wonderful time exploring the waters around the island, photographing the colorful fish and enjoyed the thrill of swimming alongside the huge turtles that frequently tagged along close to the two men. The two men found some time to climb up to the top of Koko Mountain to see the old WWII radar station site and enjoy a spectacular view of the island and the surrounding ocean.
They visited the site of the sunken battleship USS Arizona at low tide and were able to see an impressive underwater view of the ship. Oil seepage from the vessel was clearly visible and still spreads across the water on one side of the ship, even after all these 70 years. Mike and Jeff also paid a visit to the battleship USS Missouri which is moored close to the Arizona, and were able to photograph various parts of the ship including the surrender signing site on the main deck.
Mike also took Jeff to visit some of the sites that he had visited with his parents in 1978 when they visited the Island to welcome him back from a world cruise on the USS Enterprise where Mike served as Nuclear Electrical Technician.
Our members of Oakdale’s Fun Lovin’ Ladies were spotted enjoying lunch at Minnie’s Restaurant in Modesto for their February 1st meeting. The ladies always light up the area wherever they are with their delightful Red Hats. March will also find the Ladies traveling to Modesto again for their monthly meeting, this time the Ladies will dine at Mi Mi’s Restaurant.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for March 2nd for the “Let it Roll” Valley Home PTC fundraiser. If you have prize table donation you would like to donate, you may contact Chairman Lisa Jones about your items at 840-3178.
Last Wednesday’s quarterly Valley Home MAC meeting was a good one with some important county leaders making informative reports to the attendees. In response to a request from MAC Chairman Osmundson, Sheriff Adam Christianson made a report on reported gang activity in the Valley Home area. The report was good as the Sheriff stated that his investigation determined that there had been “no gang calls for police service” in the Nov-Dec 2011 period. He further stated that metal theft is currently ongoing in the county and will continue to be. He then spoke on the Rural Crime Alert Program and how it was helping to keep persons alert to what is happening. That it is a “great program” but needs the support and input from those who see suspicious activity and report it to the Program to make it work. The visit by Sheriff Christianson was greatly appreciated by all.
County Supervisor Bill O’Brien welcomed new Valley Home Municipal Activity Council members Winnie Mullins and Kate Hart. The third new member Chris Hempleman was absent from this meeting. Supervisor O’Brien reported on the latest county news including notice that the Chief Executive Officer had retired and a new CEO had been hired.
Oakdale Rural Fire Protection District Chief Jerry McDaniel was introduced and he reported that the Oakdale rural and Oakdale city fire departments are still working on a merger. His important message to the group was that the mold problem in the Valley Home Fire Department Station will be taken care of soon. The mold will be removed, the surfaces cleaned and then the damaged areas will be restored. The building is planned to be opened and back in operation March 1 with the 2 on, 2 off schedule. Mrs. Rolanda Desrosiers-Lewis, the new Valley Home Principal/Superintendent was introduced by Chairman Osmundson. She was welcomed by the group.
Nancy Osmundson was re-elected as chairman for Council and Winnie Mullins was elected as secretary. Both officers were elected for a one-year term.
Birthday greetings fill the air for Travis Kent, Kate Burghardt, Curtis Ferrington, T.J. Tolleson and Amanda Parks. Many Happy Returns of the Day to All!
Valley Home News for February 8, 2012