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Valley Home News for December 19, 2012
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Lots of excitement emanating from Valley Home School today as the Valley Home PTC throw open the doors for their annual Christmas gift store for the students. The Christmas Store is a much anticipated highlight of the year for the students. Students have an opportunity to look for and purchase gifts for their families. Prices are kept low and members of the PTC are on hand to wrap the items the students purchase so their selections are all ready for Christmas giving. The sight of all the happy faces at this special function is a delight to all who witness it, and the members of PTC deserve a big thank you for their dedicated efforts in making this special activity come to life for the students. It is much appreciated!


What a great season our Oakdale Mustangs have had! Valley Home residents are all so very proud of these boys! For most of us and most certainly all the talented Mustang football team members, this will go down as one of the most memorable experiences of a lifetime. Go Mustangs!


Last evening, the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors recognized a group of Valley Home residents with Certificates of Appreciation for their commitment and voluntary efforts in the establishment and operation of the Valley Home Community Park.

Our Valley Home 4-H'ers were also invited to the Stanislaus County Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, December 18th. The County Supervisors honored the 4-H'ers who have worked to keep our Valley Home Park free of weeds. Congratulations to these dedicated young people who even worked in the heat of summer to keep our park beautiful! Speaking of our Valley Home 4-H'ers, our members will be out caroling this week, much to the enjoyment of our Valley Home residents. They will be riding on their Christmas Gingerbread House float and enjoying singing and hot chocolate and warm holiday cookies. Last week found our 4-H'ers at Conlin Supply wrapping gifts and selling baked goods. The 4-H'ers would like to say thank you to Conlin's for having them!

The Campbell’s, Rosie and Doug had a baking project meeting and woodworking meeting last week. The woodworking group made beautiful holiday gifts, while enjoying the sweet treats the baking project members cooked up!

This week finds our 4-H'ers busy putting together Christmas food baskets for those in need. What a busy, but wonderful time!

Our 4-H members can also be found this coming Saturday, December 22nd, where they will be holding a Bake and Craft Sale from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. Stop by the Tractor Supply in Oakdale and take home some of their delicious baked goods to enjoy after dinner and find that certain craft gift you have been looking for.

On a very sad note, the Valley Home 4-H'ers would like to send their deepest sympathy to the Lape family on the passing of their beloved mom, Carol. Carol, Kevin and the boys were active members of the Valley Home 4-H for many years and helped out and were involved in many activities. Carol had a kind, beautiful soul and gave much of herself to Valley Home.


We are happy to have two birthday celebrations to announce this week. Ryan Arnebeck celebrated his 17th birthday last week on December 14th. Dylan Arnebeck will be celebrating his special day this Saturday, December 22nd, when he turns 14. Many happy returns of the day to both from all their Valley Home friends!