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Valley Home News 9-18-24
Winnie Mullins

Hi everyone, I hope each of you are doing well. This week we send Happy Birthday wishes to Mr. Don Taro. We very much appreciate everything you do for our Valley Home community, Donnie … Happy Birthday to you.


We have a very exciting event coming up that I would like to share with you all. Please mark your calendars for our annual Valley Home Fall Harvest Festival, coming up on Saturday, October 26th from 6:30pm until 8:30pm. It may seem a long way off but actually it will be here before we know it. Our Valley Home Fall Harvest Festival is a tribute to our way of life here in Valley Home … the bountiful season of harvest in our community. It was started many years ago as a way to bring our school and community together to celebrate the folks who work so hard to bring in a beautiful fall harvest. From now until the Harvest Festival, I will be including some of the exciting things that will be happening at this special event.

On this beautiful fall evening we will honor a young man who has spent much of this year in the hospital. Wyatt Jones is 17 years old; he was diagnosed with Leukemia this past January when he found a lump in his neck. He is a brave young man with a positive outlook on life. He bravely goes through his chemo and other treatments each week. In fact, he hopefully will be starting his last round of chemo and be able to come home … we are praying for you, Wyatt.

This year at our Valley Home Fall Harvest Festival, we will be having a delicious tri tip dinner, with all proceeds going to Wyatt and his family. Our regular Harvest Festival menu will still be available in the kitchen, while our tri tip BBQ dinner for Wyatt will be served outside near the Pumpkin Patch and the First Responders Area.

Wyatt is the son of Amanda Jones and the grandson of Cassie and Ray Jones. Cassie was our Valley Home School secretary for many years. Amanda went to school at Valley Home School. It has been a long year and a very hard year for Wyatt and his family.

I will be sharing more details of our tri tip dinner for Wyatt, and all the fun activities of our Fall Harvest Festival over the next few weeks. I hope you all will mark your calendars and come to Valley Home on the evening of October 26th …. there will be plenty of fun, games for the kids, Bingo, and a wonderful silent auction. So much fun; music for all, great roping, a really good time is planned. Come enjoy the fun, or just grab a meal to support Wyatt and sit and enjoy the evening together with friends and neighbors.


As always, you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.

Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”