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Valley Home News 9-11-24
Winnie Mullins

Hi everyone … I hope you are all doing well.


Most of you have already heard this exciting news. For those who read this column in other areas and in other states; here is the big news ... Friday night football, it was Oakdale High over Escalon High this year in overtime, final score 21 to 20.

Last year it was Escalon over Oakdale. This game is always played to a sold-out crowd. It’s a game of old-fashioned rivalry and true grit. Loyalties among family, friends, and neighbors are sometimes very definitely divided in this big game. Early afternoon on game day brings Mustang fans and Cougar fans arriving early to make sure they get a seat in the stands. Even those working long hours to bring the harvest in park their tractors, climb into those dusty pickup trucks and head to the big game. This year the big game was played at the beautiful Escalon High football stadium. For many this game really signifies the beginning of fall in our area.

This night is special; the scoreboard lights up, the big game is about to begin, the western sky is ablaze with the rustic colors of autumn. Burnt orange, streaks of deep purple, and bluish magenta peek through the evening skyline. A half hour later, coaches and players are well into the second quarter … the night sky is now a dark mass filled with small glittering stars. Those Friday night lights shine brightly across that beautiful Escalon High Stadium; players on the field, players on the sidelines, cheerleaders with amazing talent are bringing school spirit to the huge crowd … it’s like a Norman Rockwell painting, this very special small town high school football game.

With Oakdale and Escalon located so close together, many of the players grew up and went to grammar school together before going into different high schools. For some of the players they find themselves facing a friendly but not so friendly face across the line of scrimmage. Even though the game is huge and has so much school pride on the line, players are often later seen hanging out with each other after the big game regardless of whether you are a Mustang or a Cougar. Your buddies are still your buddies and it’s still fun to hang out with them. Friends will always be friends. Especially with Oakdale and Escalon … these players are raised in the country, they learn to work hard, they learn to believe in God and country, and they learn to always play hard. These amazing high school football players, Mustangs and Cougars, showed huge respect to their fans and to their opposing team. God bless the dedicated, hard-working coaches who believe so strongly in these young men and who instill amazing values and great self-worth in them.

September 6th, 2024 Friday night football between the Oakdale Mustangs and the Escalon Cougars was hard fought with the teams meeting on the Cougars’ home field in Escalon. Those Friday night lights lit up a small country town on a beautiful fall evening. I am pretty sure that most of Oakdale and most of Escalon were gathered together in that Escalon High School football stadium. We send congratulations on a great game to our Oakdale High Mustangs and the Escalon High Cougars … what an amazing night. Congratulations to our Oakdale High Mustangs on a very exciting win.


As always you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233. Until next time, “Happy Trails To All!”