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Valley Home News 7-10-24
Winnie Mullins

Hello to each of you … I hope you are all doing well in this heat.


I would like to share with you my Idaho Fourth of July. It was a quick trip to the state that most of my family calls home. I am looking forward to many more trips there, even if they have to be quick trips. Leaving Valley Home before dawn on Thursday, July 4th … snacks and drinks all in place, we headed out to Emmett, Idaho. My grandson Cooper had his Fair Buyer letters all ready to mail so I thought, well, we will be leaving by way of Mariposa Road very near Arch Road post office so I can just drop his letters in the box at that post office. We took a short detour and rolled up at about 4:30am at that huge post office; to my surprise and to my dismay there were no available outside drop boxes … absolutely none, no big blue box, nothing; everything locked up as far as a way to drop off mail. It made me feel sad to see that it had become necessary to have absolutely no access to even mailing a letter during non-post office hours. As a child I had ridden my bicycle plenty of times through what used to be country roads around Arch Road. My children growing up had done the same thing … sure couldn’t do that now. So, to make a long story a little bit shorter, I brought Cooper’s fair letters with me and mailed them from the Emmett, Idaho post office. Hope they get to their destinations before Fair Auction Day.

My trip was such a great blessing. I love our Valley Home but I felt such a great peacefulness in this little Idaho town. Surrounded by beautiful majestic mountains, Emmett is in a pretty green valley where most folks smile at you, say “Good morning” and surprisingly they made this Californian feel most welcome. After driving most of the day we arrived in Emmett about 4:30pm, just in time for a delicious Idaho supper. It was a wonderful time with family, gathering at my brother’s home. Since it doesn’t get dark in Emmett right now until about 10 pm we had plenty of time for visiting with each other. Later that evening I watched the most amazing Gem County fireworks show. The fireworks dazzled and sparkled long after I had said my “good nights”. It was close to midnight when the last beautiful sparking flash went off. We had driven a couple of miles from my nephew T.J.’s home to another of my nephews before the fireworks started. My nephews had both made us very comfortable but for this night we would be staying at nephew Jack’s home, offering us comfy beds inside his home or the privacy and comfort of his bunkhouse. Wow, talk about making one feel welcome; I am blessed to have my Idaho family. The next day, we were off to the river above the Black Canyon Dam. Neighbors who have become family joined us with their grandchildren from Ohio. What a special day … swimming, visiting, delicious red ripe slices of watermelon passed all around, grilled hamburgers and hot dogs … so much fun. I was so thankful my daughter Beci – many of you prayed diligently for Beci as she underwent three different serious brain surgeries over the past few years – was able to enjoy this Idaho trip. Thank you all for your prayers!

God bless our America.


As always, you may reach me by telephone at 209-985-5233 or by email at winniemullins51@gmail. Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”