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Valley Home News 6-26-24
Winnie Mullins

Hello to each of you. I hope you are all getting through this scorching heat.


This week I am sharing exciting news about a young man who grew up in Valley Home. Many of you who read this column have special memories of your time growing up in this area … Valley Home, Oakdale and Knights Ferry.

Tyler Furtado is a true Valley Home boy. I have the most wonderful memories of Tyler, my grandson Cody and all their Valley Home friends growing up here. I remember worrying so much when they were really little; they loved to jump off the small wooden bridge that crossed our little creek … but I did love to hear their laughter as they splashed around on a hot summer day. What a great blessing it was for our kids to grow up in Valley Home; they had amazing adventures. They attended school in such a wonderful small country school, their lives were full. They had the most amazing, caring teachers and truly dedicated school staff. When they weren’t in class, flag football occupied much of their time. Tyler’s mom Sharon gave much of her time to Tyler and his friends … at school and at their home. His dad Tony made sure he was always there for our Valley Home kids; a bonfire, a word of advice … I remember him teaching our boys to be good men. I always deeply appreciated the time Tony spent with our Valley Home kids. Sharon was well known as the ‘Mom’ all the kids counted on. Tyler grew up as part of a very loving family and a very loving community. His friends were many. He is an amazing young man, highly respected and much loved by all. He is full of fun and loves adventures, be it on the sand dunes or high up in the mountains. As Tyler went into high school, he would also begin his career in Agriculture. It was at Oakdale High that Tyler would meet the beautiful young lady that would capture his heart. Tatyn Silva would become his best friend and his constant companion. Tyler always made sure he spent time with his forever friends from Valley Home; Tatyn became an important part of that Valley Home circle. Always sharing her beautiful smile, and always full of fun, Tyler’s Valley Home friends immediately loved her. Tatyn and Tyler would enjoy their years at Oakdale High and would graduate together during COVID in 2020. They would go on to study at Fresno State. Together they would graduate from Fresno State in May of 2024, both with Honors. Tatyn is the beautiful daughter of Jessica and Gary Silva, and sister of Colton Silva.

We send our best wishes to this very special Valley Home boy and his lovely bride to be. While vacationing in Oahu, Hawaii in June of 2024 Tyler would ask the stunning Miss Tatyn Silva for her hand in marriage. With palm trees swaying gently in the summer breeze, a beautiful Hawaiian sunset in the distance, Tyler would bend on one knee … our Valley Home boy is now engaged to his beautiful high school sweetheart.


As always, you may reach me by email at or by telephone at 209-985-5233.

Until next time, “Happy Trails to All!”