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Tips and tricks to help beat the summer heat
heat graphic

As summer temperatures soar, staying cool becomes a priority for residents of Stanislaus County. With the hottest recorded days in the region reaching up to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s essential to take measures to stay comfortable and safe. Here are some effective tips and tricks to help you beat the heat this summer.


Temperature Facts for Stanislaus County

Stanislaus County experiences some of the highest summer temperatures in the state. The record high temperature for the county is 115 degrees, recorded in Modesto on July 23, 2006. On average, summer temperatures range between 90 and 100 degrees, with heatwaves pushing the mercury even higher.


Tips and Tricks to Stay Cool

·         Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial in hot weather. Aim for at least eight glasses a day, and more if you’re active. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they can dehydrate you.

·         Dress Appropriately: Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing. Natural fabrics like cotton and linen are breathable and help keep you cool.

·         Use Fans and Air Conditioning: Make use of fans and air conditioning to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. If you don’t have air conditioning, consider spending time in public places like shopping malls or libraries that do.

·         Limit Outdoor Activities: Try to avoid strenuous outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. If you must be outside, take frequent breaks in the shade and drink water regularly.

·         Cool Your Home: Keep blinds and curtains closed during the day to block out the sun. Open windows and use fans to create a cross-breeze in the evening when temperatures drop.

·         Take Cool Showers: A cool shower can lower your body temperature and provide immediate relief from the heat.

·         Use Cold Compresses: Applying a cold, damp cloth to pulse points like your wrists, neck, and temples can help cool your body down quickly.

·         Eat Light: Opt for smaller, lighter meals that are easier to digest. Fresh fruits and vegetables, particularly those with high water content like watermelon and cucumber, can help keep you hydrated.

·         Stay Informed: Keep an eye on weather forecasts and heat advisories. Be aware of the signs of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and know what to do if they occur.


Community Resources

Stanislaus County offers several resources to help residents stay cool during extreme heat. Cooling centers are available throughout the county, providing a safe and cool environment for those in need. For a list of cooling center locations and hours, visit the Stanislaus County website or contact local community services.

With summer temperatures in Stanislaus County often reaching extreme highs, it’s important to take proactive steps to stay cool and safe. By following these tips and making use of available resources, you can beat the heat and enjoy a more comfortable summer.