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Stanislaus State Serves Up ‘Daybook’ Items

Officials at Stanislaus State routinely offer a look at some items happening at the Turlock-based university, providing a ‘Daybook’ of events.

The following are some recent news items of note from the campus.


School Of Nursing In West Rankings

In its “2020 Nursing School Rankings” report released in December, Nursing Schools Almanac ranked Stanislaus State University’s School of Nursing No. 25 on its 75 Best Nursing Schools in California list and No. 52 of the 100 Best Nursing Schools in the West.


Nursing Graduate Student On COVID Front Lines

Registered nurse Shaileni Lal, a Master of Science in Nursing candidate at Stanislaus State, spends 12-hour shifts caring for COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit at Modesto’s Memorial Medical Center. When she leaves, she hands her duties off to her husband, Vishnu, who works the opposite 12-hour shift in the same unit of the same hospital.


Geology Lecturer Discovers Three New Walrus Species

“Who’s somebody you’ve met that says, ‘I’m somebody who studied walruses? It sounds like a great ice breaker.” The potential ice breaker turned into ground-breaking research for Lecturer and Stan State Alum Jacob Biewer, who helped uncover three new species of walruses by studying skull fossils at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. He’s the lead writer of a paper published last fall on the discovery in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.


A complete schedule of Stan State events can be found on the University website.