Though they held a soft opening a couple of weeks ago, the owners of Kiwi’s Custom Gun Shop in downtown Riverbank held an official ribbon cutting ceremony for their new indoor gun range on Friday, Aug. 26.
Members of both the Riverbank and Central Valley Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, along with other downtown business owners and store employees gathered in the entrance area to cut the ceremonial ribbon, right in front of what will be used as the classroom facility at the range, where safety and licensing instruction can be held.
VP Pete DeMattos looked on as owner Lyndon Yates did the scissor honors, with the ribbon stretched between Riverbank City Council Member and Chamber of Commerce officer Darlene Martinez and Chamber Chair Monica Bravo-Perez. Members of Kiwi’s family and staff stood behind.
As part of the ceremony, City Council Member Luis Uribe stood in for Mayor Richard O’Brien in presenting Yates and DeMattos with a proclamation from the council recognizing the achievement. Council member Martinez and Vice Mayor Cal Campbell also offered word of appreciation.
Stanislaus First District Supervisor Buck Condit presented a certificate issued by the Stanislaus County Board, recognizing the achievement, as did representatives of state and federal offices from the area.
After the ceremony, Yates and DeMattos conducted tours of the shooting area for those in attendance.
Following that, Uribe was given the opportunity to test fire a 50-caliber Browning machine gun. After some safety and technical instruction, Uribe undertook a single shot on a target 25 yards downrange, scoring well when the target was returned to the front of the station.
Everyone in the room was provided with safety ear coverings. The concussive blast from the gun, feeling somewhat like a cannon going off, traveled the length of the range and immediately bounded back to the front of the room, where everyone felt it as well as heard it, even through the coverings.
The range was built over the past few months on the empty lot immediately next to the original gun shop, with an entrance from inside the store. The complex is located at 3332 Santa Fe, and reservations to use the indoor range can be made at 1-209-863-2355.
Yates said that walk-ins were also welcome.
He said the facility was built with state-of-the-art equipment, and can be used for police officer training as necessary.