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Poetry in motion: Young writers share insights
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This week, we present part two of a special summer feature, presenting poems written by local elementary students. The first installment ran in the June 19 issue.


Diamond Poems

By Rosemary Martin

6th grade



Brilliant Luminous

Nourishing Energizing Warm

Space Astrolabe Luminary Syzygy

Bewitching Orbiting Cold

Ominous Celestial




Dark Frozen

Sledding Snuggling Caroling

Seasons Celebration Memories Vacation

Swimming Exploring Biking

Bright Muggy





What Is Joy?

By Rosemary Martin

6th grade


Joy is something you find in a child

Joy is something you treasure

Joy is something you chase after during life




Free Verse

By Rosemary Martin

6th grade


Have you ever felt alone?

It can be rather depressing

Interaction takes all your energy

You feel genuine but still have to fake the smile

To stop overthinking will take a while …




What Happened

Henry Pinkelman

6th grade


I am the second brother,

I stand tall and mighty over Manhattan.

But slowly a plane is coming closer, and closer, and closer,

Everything is moving almost like time stopped.

I think to myself, “What is going to happen”

I feel a big crash,

Like a bird hitting my window but stronger, and bigger, and hotter like never before.

I hear echoing

But not like the echo I used to hear,

No, it’s loud and scary echoing.

I smell burning steel,

Like I’m being cooked.

I see people running faster than ever before.

I’m falling

There’s rubble around me.

Good bye.




What is Acting?

Aubreigh Rocha

6th grade


A momentous feeling of freeness

My safe space

Somewhere anyone can be anything

My world





By Jason Evans

3rd grade


I love my two dogs

I love Jessie and Bubba

Jessie likes to play

Bubba is shy and friendly

We are happy together




What Is Happiness?

By Preston Wark

4th grade


Happiness is my cat greeting me when I open the door.

or when my dog lays on my bed as big as a boat.

It is when there are no clouds in sight

or when I get all the answers right.




I Am

By Tuxten Trent

3rd grade


I am happy and awesome

I wonder a lot

I want to have fun

I feel happy why people like different things

I worry about not finishing my homework

I cry when people die

I understand why people like different things

I say funny things

I dream BIG

I try hard stuff

I am happy and awesome




I Am

By Aubreigh Rocha

6th grade


I am intelligent and silly

I pretend I am where I hope to be one day

I feel the hot summer breeze

I touch the cold fast flowing ocean

I worry that I will miss out on the path to my future

I cry that I shall not succeed

I am intelligent and silly


I understand that I am who I am

I say I will restore this world

I dream to fix people’s actions

I try to be a better person

I am intelligent and silly.




Blox Fruits

By Ari Cortes

4th grade


Pirates and Marines

Many of fruits, swords, and fighting styles

First, second, and third seas

Aura, air jump, dash, and flash step

Thousands of levels and players




The Days That Pass

Michaela Li

5th grade


Waking up is like a chore, always tired all around the clock,

Everyday’s the same as yesterday and tomorrow will be the same as yesterday.

Will the day for me to rest ever come?

I spend my nights without dreams,

Only in a empty void alone.

Everynight I call out to the darkness

Oh God, when will my time come?

I never get a answer

I only run through the endless darkness for a way out,

Only to wake up in cold sweat just like yesterday and the day before that.

Oh God, when will my time come?




Hard working

By Emma Giesler

4th grade


By the time the sun rose

I was ready to wake

But by the time the sun set

I was wanting a break

But I didn’t stop

And I didn’t quit

For my hard work will pay off in a bit