There was a recent Second Amendment Rally held in Modesto which had several supporters including American Veterans First (AVF) CEO Duke Cooper in attendance. With the mass shootings and violence that has been occurring around the world, guns are a hot topic once again. Whether gun control with stricter gun laws and background checks in all states as well as banning high capacity magazines and certain firearms could have prevented the massacres and violence that is being seen on a regular basis is unknown as each situation has its own set of specifics. The other idea is that stricter gun laws will only hurt the law-abiding citizens that choose to use their Second Amendment right, leaving guns in criminal hands and the rest of citizenry unarmed or with heavy limitations. This topic led Cooper to recently host an informal discussion between a few combat veterans that served this country. Korean War Army veteran John Seaman, 82; Korean War Marine combat veteran John Ropp, 87; Tom Prokes, Army veteran, 82; and Allen Taylor, Navy combat veteran, 94, were at AVF this past Monday discussing the Second Amendment and supporting the law abiding American citizens that choose to keep and bear arms.
Cooper noted that the gathering was also AVF getting back to its roots of being a place where veterans and first responders are welcome to take a moment and grab a seat to visit or just relax as these four veterans did this past Monday in Riverbank. American Veterans First is a non-profit organization that helps veterans in a multitude of ways as well as bringing awareness to resources that are available. Some of the things that AVF has done in the past three years include helping a veteran and Oakdale resident get a new roof, assisted in getting medical aid for a veteran in Modesto, fed hungry veteran students, an annual blanket and coat drive and the group has also shipped several care packages overseas, to name a few.