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Knights Ferry News Week of September 11, 2013
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Congratulations go out to Lisa Frymire on being selected for Modesto City School’s District Instructor of Curriculum, Math Coach. She will oversee the site coaches for the Common Core program, teaching and supporting the coaches in the district. Way to go Lisa!


Cameron Medeiros, former Knights Ferry student, has returned from two weeks fighting the Rim Fire. He was with Tuolumne County Strike Team. He worked at Cherry Lake and Yosemite. Cameron got to meet many firefighters from all over, even Australia. He works for Columbia Fire Department and goes to school. Thanks Cameron for your efforts!


Welcome to the world Sterling Elisabeth Shearer, born September 5th to Jeff and Lisa. She weighed in at 8 pounds, 14 ounces and was 20 ½ inches long. She joins big brother Wyatt at home in Loma Rica. Proud Knights Ferry grandparents are Lee and Mary Sue Shearer.


At the Knights Ferry Community Club meeting it was announced the next movie night will be September 28th at 7 p.m. The Movie will be “Racing Stripes.” Miles Shuper reported on the planning of a car show for April. The October 3rd meeting will also be a dinner meeting with a meet and greet of the candidates running for the Knights Ferry School Board.


Condolences from Knights Ferry go out to Denise Crom on the death of her husband, Tom.


Don and Gayle Diltz have returned from a trip of 4968 miles. They went through 11 states and had good weather. Don and Gayle stopped in McCall, Idaho where Gayle rode a horse. They saw European Fallow Deer at a farm and cruised the lake. Going to Montana through Lolo Pass there was a big forest fire and Missoula, Montana was smoky. In Butte they saw the big copper pit and attended a dinner. They went to Billings and toured the Little Big Horn and drove through a field with markers and docents telling the information of the dead. Gayle said they learned a lot of history. Going through North Dakota saw lots of crops. In South Dakota they went through the Badlands, saw Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. In Deadwood they stumbled on a car show, made Don’s day! In Minnesota they stopped at Pipestone where there were Indian artifacts on display. The Indians made pipes out of the stone in the area and now the quarry is a sacred site. Don and Gayle went to Pioneer Village in Minden, Nebraska, where Harold Warp collected artifacts for the future children to know about pioneer life. On the way home they stopped at their daughter’s home in Utah. In Reno the smoke was so bad they stopped at Boomtown where it was a little better. It was quite a trip! Gayle recommends all the places they went.


Knights Ferry News 3-12-25
Nastasia Sweet
If you want join in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities and enjoy corned beef and cabbage without all the muss and fuss of cooking at home, go to the Odd Fellows building in Knights Ferry on Sunday, March 16th at 1pm.
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