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Knights Ferry News Week of August 27, 2014
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Knights Ferry School got off to an interesting start - two days without school because of the water main break in town. The pipe was by the new bridge and the Community Service District helped dig up the pipe and replace it. County health officials put a boil your tap water before drinking in place for two days. All the town restaurants had to close until the water passed the health department’s tests. By Friday all was back to normal.

Because of the pipe break, the Wednesday night diners at the 50’s Roadhouse had to go to plan two - Oakdale. They celebrated Ellen Wearin’s birthday with cake and good cheer.


Welcome to Knights Ferry School’s Kindergarten class Julian Arias, Maya Camara, Nicholas Gonzales, Ashlynn Henry, Jaden Jackson, Nathaly Ramirez, Angel Robbins, Weston Sundberg, Tristan Voortman and Taylor Witzke. Have a great year!


Also new at Knights Ferry School are Jessica Martinez, 4th grade, Gerardo Martinez, 6th grade, Jude Krick, 6th grade and Kaitlin Halvorson, 6th grade. Returning students that were not at KFS last year are Alek Barton, Jade Wells, Hayden Sundberg, Natalie Barton and Rilyn Cassaretto. Enjoy your year at school!


August is closing so here are some dates for your September calendar: September 4th - Community Club meeting at the clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. It is a dinner meeting. September 7th is breakfast at the I.O.O.F. Hall from 8:00 a.m. till noon. Also in conjunction is the flu clinic, so be prepared for the flu season with your flu shot. September 9th is the History and Museum Associates meeting at 9:00 a.m. at Miller’s Hall. September 10th is the Knights Ferry Garden Club meeting at the home of Ellen Wearin at 10:00 a.m.; the annual pumpkin roll baking will be discussed. September 11th is the Knights Ferry School board meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. September 13 the Odd Fellows Adopt-A-Highway cleanup day. September 25th is the MAC meeting at 7:00 p.m. at the clubhouse.

Knights Ferry News 3-12-25
Nastasia Sweet
If you want join in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities and enjoy corned beef and cabbage without all the muss and fuss of cooking at home, go to the Odd Fellows building in Knights Ferry on Sunday, March 16th at 1pm.
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