This Saturday is the Knights Ferry Music Festival at the 50s Roadhouse. Bring a blanket or a couple chairs and enjoy the music and vendors for the day. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit their Eventbrite website, search Knights Ferry Music Festival.
The Knights Ferry Classic Car Show is on October 2 and the Community Club has opened their online entry form to enter cars and trucks. Visit for more information or call Chris Peterson 209-402-9831.
At a recent Oakdale Fire Protection District meeting in Knights Ferry, Board President, Paul Rivera presented a certificate to Vinnie Victorine in appreciation for his six years of service to represent the Knights Ferry area on the Board. The next meeting is scheduled for September 9, 2021 at 10am at the Knights Ferry Community Club. With all the fires in the state, we are lucky to have the Oakdale Fire Protection District as a resource to help us maintain and improve our local fire protection. Come to the next meeting to learn about the latest updates in our area.
Denise and Roger Ray have returned home after a cross-country trip to Pennsylvania to help Alec settle into his apartment at Grove City College. This will be Alec’s senior year as a mechanical engineering major. Older brother, Jordan graduated in May and received his Bachelor of Science, as a double major in Accounting and in Finance. Jordan has come back home to the Central Valley to begin his career at Atherton & Associates CPA in Modesto. Congratulations to both Alec and Jordan! Knights Ferry is very proud of you!
Carol Davis drove to the Griesner cabin in Leland Creek to help celebrate Bruce’s birthday and retirement. His only request was, “Mom, bring the German chocolate cake.” While Bruce and family went boating on Pinecrest Lake, Carol had lunch with long-time friend, Valera Cashman. They met when taking dancing lessons over 80 years ago at the Dorada Club House in Oakdale. The club was destroyed by a fire in 1959!
Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at
Weekly reminders: Community Club meeting at 6:30pm on September 2, 2021. Odd Fellows pancake breakfast on September 5, 2021 from 8am-12pm. Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 meeting at 7:30pm on September 7, 2021. Odd Fellows Rebekahs #361 meeting at 7:30pm on September 8, 2021.