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Knights Ferry News 8-28-24
Nastasia Sweet

Don’t forget to bring a dish to share to the Odd Fellows building Wednesday, Aug. 28 at 6pm for a social potluck!


There are just a few more days left to sign up for the Fall Art Show at the Knights Ferry Art Studio. Submissions are due on August 30th. Email Taylar at for more information! If you would like to come and enjoy the art and open mic performers, mark your calendar for the Fall Art Show on October 27th to attend.


Last week I had the opportunity to show a family friend around town and had the chance to share small bits of history about the community. I got to thinking about all the people in town who have lived here for years and do not know some of the history of our town! I have been lucky enough to spend time in the Knights Ferry Museum looking at albums, photos, and even old documents. The Knights Ferry Museum is upstairs in Miller’s Hall. The Miller’s Hall has always been a multipurpose building, back in the early 1900s, the upstairs was a dance hall and downstairs was a saloon with slot machines, and one of the rooms was a barber shop run by Albert Mechado. Another interesting fact is the Knights Ferry Post Office used to be inside the General Store! Can you imagine all the post office boxes inside the General Store? They were over by the large safe on the west wall. The “Little School on the Hill” was not always on the hill, it was down on the west side of town where the River’s Edge is located. A spooky fact about the school is that prior to the school moving to the hill, the hill was the old cemetery! But don’t worry, they moved all the occupants to the new location on the top of the hill on Cemetery Road.

Spend some time getting to know the town by visiting the Knights Ferry Museum! They are open the first Sunday of the month and sometimes during events in town such as the Pumpkin Roll and the Peddler’s Faire.


Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at


Upcoming Events: Odd Fellows pancake breakfast on September 1st starting at 8am.