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Knights Ferry News
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Linda Morris is home recovering from knee surgery. Knights Ferry hopes you are up and about soon!


Very nice article was in the Modesto Bee on Sam Page, Gary and Sharon Page’s grandson. It praised Sam’s leadership, quarterback abilities, and community service. We are proud of this young man!


Highway 108/120 has new guardrails by Lover’s Leap and clean shoulders. The traffic was backed up and a lot of cars and trucks were going through Knights Ferry to avoid the mess. Your reporter counted 170 cars going past as we were stopped by the Ardis curve. When it was our turn to go, the cars in the other lane were backed up past the gravel pit.


Congratulations to Kay Martinelli on receiving the Mayors Animal Advocate Award. She has been rescuing dogs and is working tirelessly to provide for the displaced animals from the fires.


Michael and Maureen McKibban have returned from Ashland, Oregon where they attended the Shakespeare Festival. They saw four plays and enjoyed the good food.


Knights Ferry School’s Kindergarten, First and Second Graders went to the Conde Ranch and learned all about walnut farming.


Troy and James Peterson enjoyed their 9th birthday with a party.


Congratulations to Ted and Ina Kassahn on 65 years of marriage!


October is here and here are some dates for your calendar: October 1st, Thursday, is the Community Club dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. Jeff Jardine from the Modesto Bee will be the speaker.

October 4th, Breakfast Sunday at the I.O.O.F. Hall 8-noon.

October 7th (Note change) Garden Club at 10:00 a.m. at the clubhouse, bring lunch.

October 9th Jog-A-Thon at Knights Ferry School.

October 13, History and Museum Associates, 9:00 a.m. at Miller’s Hall.

October 15th is the School Board meeting, 5:30 p.m. at the school. Come meet the candidates for the non-elected board position.

Knights Ferry News 3-12-25
Nastasia Sweet
If you want join in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities and enjoy corned beef and cabbage without all the muss and fuss of cooking at home, go to the Odd Fellows building in Knights Ferry on Sunday, March 16th at 1pm.
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