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Knights Ferry News 5-29-24
Nastasia Sweet

Happy birthday to all the May babies: Jeanette Krick, Gary Page, Mary Sue Shearer, Sue Schlageter, Wendy Feichter, Rilyn Cassaretto, Vincent Peterson, Deagan Sweet, Hanna Holland, Chris Lopez, Maria Arias, Kelly Stanley, Jamie Coston, Laura Simons, Dave Simons, Emalee Watson, Wyatt Birdsong, Madison Watson, Hayden Sundberg, Jacelyn McDonald, Tracy Greisner, Bob Hunter, and Naomi Turner!


David and Heather Voortman celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at a gathering of family and friends hosted by their daughter, Dakota Voortman. David and Heather’s fathers Don Voortman and Tim Glidewell recalled how they found out David’s plan to propose to Heather before they toasted the happy couple.


Alec Ray and Caitlin Harvey were married on April 6, 2024 in Ripon First CRC. The parents are Denise and Roger Ray of Knights Ferry and Alyssa and Mark Harvey of Pennsylvania. Jordan Ray was the best man and Maggie Coffin was the maid of honor. The grandmothers are Carol Davis, and Silvia Sjodin of Idaho. Many of the wedding party were classmates of the couple, who met at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, so much air travel was involved. Caitlin’s uncle and family flew from England for the special occasion. The pastor was Troy Martin from Aptos, California, where Caitlin is a teacher. The luncheon reception was held at Manteca Rustic Ranch, in a beautiful country setting with huge oak trees. The newlyweds are living in Hollister at the present time. Congratulations Alec and Caitlin!


The cemetery is in tip-top shape thanks to Allen Calderon’s landscaping crew and the local Odd Fellows group placing American flags on the veteran’s gravesites.


James Peterson had a winning weekend at the NorCal Jr Rodeo in Oakdale! He won the steer wrestling both days, throwing down his steer in 5.1 seconds the first day and 6.4 seconds the second day. He was awarded two belt buckles and enough money to cover his entry fees and a little extra to spend!


Do you have any exciting Knights Ferry local news to share? Contact Nastasia Sweet at


Upcoming Events: Odd Fellows Pancake Breakfast on June 2nd from 8am-12pm. Odd Fellows Stanislaus #170 meeting on June 4th at 7pm.