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Knights Ferry News 3-11-20
Nastasia Sweet

Measure Q will be on a special mail-in ballot on May 5th, 2020. Measure Q is a tax initiative to bring the fire tax current to support our current fire protection and add an additional unit to better protect our local and surrounding areas. At the Community Club, Measure Q supporters explained that even our fire department is not completely funded by fire taxes, thus running a deficit each year and by the year 2023, the account will be empty and they feel this is the best solution. Volunteers will be covering the entire Oakdale Fire Protection District to educate the public on their current fire protection and what they can expect from Measure Q. The Oakdale Fire Protection District covers hundreds of acres surrounding Oakdale. The triangular shaped district covers La Grange to Milton to Langworth Road in Riverbank. If you would like to learn more about Measure Q, see Dolly Haskell at the Post Office in Knights Ferry.


Love Knights Ferry is Saturday, March 14th from 8am-11am. Bring your yard tools (gloves, rakes, trash pickers, and garbage cans). Coordinator, Heather Voortman will have tasks both inside and outside our historic buildings. Volunteers will meet in front of the Community Club.


The Rebekahs will be serving a complete corned beef and cabbage dinner for $7 on March 14th with a 2pm social hour and dinner at 3pm. RSVPs are appreciated and encouraged, contact Noble Grand, Shirley Watson at 209-247-6686 ASAP!


The Civil War Reenactments in Knights Ferry are the weekend of March 21-22 and battle times are Saturday: 1pm and 4pm and Sunday: 11am and 2pm. The Community Club is preparing for their annual spaghetti dinner on Saturday, March 21st. The Club doors open at 5pm and this year, there will be live fiddle and banjo music to enjoy during dinner.


Condolences to Charlotte Schell Ginsberg and family on the passing of her husband, Herbert Ginsberg. He passed in his Santa Rosa home at the age of 95.

Charlotte is a descendent of Abraham and Catherine Schell and she grew up in town in what is known today as the Abraham Schell house near the Masonic lodge. Charlotte attended Knights Ferry School where her mother was a teacher. The Schell family built their sandstone home in 1856 and owned three and half square leagues (26,697.8 acres) of the Rancheria del Rio Estanislao in 1863. Abraham and partner, George H. Krause started the ever-popular Red Mountain Vineyards in 1866 but Krause passed shortly after and Schell became the sole proprietor. After a terrible drought and prohibition restrictions, the winery closed around 1920 and the property sold a few years later. Today, the Brunker family resides on approximately 1200 acres of Rancheria Del Rio Estanislaus also known as Rancheria Del Rio Estanislao.


At the March Community Club meeting, the members agreed to appoint Fred Dolling as the newest Trustee of the Community Club in place of Lee Shearer. Lee stepped down after serving as Trustee of the Community Club for about 20 years.


The Knights Ferry School auction was a big hit and all the hard work and dedication from the Parent Teacher Club paid off! The “Roaring 20s” theme décor set the tone and many of the attendees dressed in flapper dresses and gangster mafia attire. Fedoras, bow ties and suspenders were also popular. This year, they invited the kids to charm the crowd as they presented their class desserts during the live auction. All of the kids did such a wonderful job working the crowd, one of the desserts sold for about $310! Huxley Higgins looked dapper in black slacks, white button up shirt, suspenders, and bow tie but the finishing touch was his black lampshade mustache. Little sister, Georgia Higgins delighted everyone wearing a hot pink flapper dress, white fur vest, and hot pink sequin headband complete with feather. One of the hot items for the night was a special reserved parking space at the school for an entire year. If you have ever tried to attend an event up at the school, you know the true value of this item! John and Shelli Borba with the help of family and friends served a delicious dinner, the 50s Roadhouse hosted a full bar, and auctioneer, Richard Mello did a great job.


Upcoming Events/Meetings:

Thursday, March 14 8am-11am Love Knights Ferry


Contact Nastasia Sweet at

Knights Ferry News 3-12-25
Nastasia Sweet
If you want join in the St. Patrick’s Day festivities and enjoy corned beef and cabbage without all the muss and fuss of cooking at home, go to the Odd Fellows building in Knights Ferry on Sunday, March 16th at 1pm.
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