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Knights Ferry News
Knights Ferry

Spring is coming - the Sandhill Cranes are flying north!


Amanda Boyer, granddaughter of Jim and Diane, teaches at Sipherd School in Modesto. She recently was the recipient of a monetary award for innovative teaching.


With all this rain the hillside behind Gary and Barbara Shook’s Orange Blossom Road home came sliding down, taking the OID pipeline and almond trees with it. It was a mess!


Congratulations to former Knights Ferry resident Irene Poust Enochs for graduating from Delta College and passing her Registered Nurse exam. She is working at San Joaquin General Hospital.


At the MAC meeting, Stanislaus Consolidated Fire Chief Matt Daly said the storm damage was not as bad and the fire district fared well. Ruben from the Stanislaus CEO’s office told of mandatory training for the MAC members. There is a new Probation Chief for the county, Mike Hamasaki. The Board of Supervisors is planning on a new MAC district - Wood Colony. Knights Ferry is a Self-Help District and will get tax money for roads!


There was a road cave-in behind the General Store and a destruction of the corner by Rick Maisel’s home by a large truck.


All the redwood trees behind the phone building (AT&T) are now gone due to leaning into the lines and old age. If a tree is removed in the Ferry a new one has to be planted. Dolly Haskell will contact AT&T about the replanting.


The Knights Ferry Post Office is blocking the mailboxes because of the privacy ruling that no one should be able to see into another person’s box.


March is full of happenings. On March 2 is the Community Club’s dinner meeting at 6:30 in the clubhouse. March 5 is Breakfast Sunday in the I.O.O.F. Hall from 8 to noon. March 8 is Knights Ferry Garden Club meeting at the home of Linda Morris at 10 a.m. March 11-12 is the Civil War reenactment with Saturday the Spaghetti Dinner at 5 p.m. at the clubhouse. March 14 is the meeting of the History and Museum Associates at 9 a.m. in Miller’s Hall. March 18 is the Silent auction/dinner for the Knights Ferry School at the clubhouse. March 23 is the MAC meeting at 7 p.m. in the clubhouse. April 1 is the annual Car Show in the Ferry.



Welcome to the world Rees Jenkins Michael Murray, born to Troy and Natalie. He joins sisters Ella and Rose at home.