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Incumbent Santos, challenger DeBoer vie for OID Division 4

Hoping to return to the seat she has held for several years, Linda Santos is seeking reelection to the Oakdale Irrigation District Board for Division 4. Stepping up to challenge her this November is Jacob DeBoer. The candidates recently agreed to take part in a “Q&A” and the following are their responses. Candidates are featured in alphabetical order.

They will face off in the Tuesday, Nov. 5 election.


Jacob DeBoer

Q: Why did you decide to run for the OID board?

A: I am a proud 4th generation farmer and 4th generation Oakdale Irrigation District constituent. Agriculture in California faces significant headwinds, with reliable, low-cost water being a central issue. I feel called to fight for the rights of farmers and all who call the Valley home.


Q: What are your qualifications for the post/What unique qualities would you bring to the board?

A: I have attended OID meetings regularly since 2016. In addition to farming almonds and walnuts, I also work in agricultural finance in Oakdale and serve on the Stanislaus County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. Being connected to the community of Oakdale, understanding the perspective of the grower, and bringing a business-minded approach uniquely enables me to contribute to the District.


Q: What area does Division 4 cover?

A: Residential neighborhoods around the “main intersection” city core and the rural areas SE of Oakdale.


Q: In your opinion, what is the biggest issue (or issues) facing OID right now?

A: 1. Defending our water rights from state water grabs and outside interests.

2. Ensuring OID thinks long-term by supporting strategic, long-term planning and infrastructure investment which will ensure OID is able to serve generations to come.

3. Protecting groundwater levels and working with neighboring SGMA (Sustainable Groundwater Management Act) agencies. This includes working with the City of Oakdale to find a path to the City utilizing their under-used allocation of 10,000 Acre Feet of surface water. This will require investment in infrastructure (pumping, filtration, etc.) but will be critical to ensure reliable, safe, cost-effective drinking water for city residents. Currently, all drinking water is pumped from the ground.


Q: Why should people vote for you?

A: I believe it is important to honor the forethought of those who built OID, while keeping an eye on the future of what water policy in California will bring. We must protect our water rights and keep rates as low as possible, while also ensuring the viability of the District for generations to come. My experience in farming, business, and agricultural advocacy will enable me to bring a fresh, balanced perspective to the OID Board.


Linda Santos

Q: Why did you decide to run for the OID board?

A: I have been the Oakdale Irrigation District, Division 4 Director, for the past 9 years. It has been my honor to give back to our community. My insistence on transparency regarding policies and operations of OID have at times put me in the crosshairs of past management and a handful of people that believe they have the right to special entitlement. I do not agree. Every voter should have equal representation at Oakdale Irrigation District. I have proven over the past 9 years, that I am a strong, honest and knowledgeable member of the Board. I have been re-elected twice and have survived an attempted recall among other attacks. I am still here and hope to for another 4 years. I fully intend to continue to be the outspoken, strong proponent for every single voter in our District.


Q: What are your qualifications for the post/What unique qualities would you bring to the board?

A: Water is the lifeblood of every aspect of our lives. Understanding and advocating for water sustainability has been an absolute necessity for me personally for more than 40 years on our ranch. My husband’s family started cattle ranching in OID in the 1960’s. My husband Brady, a recent Director on the Cowboy Museum Board and Oakdale Saddle Club Arena Director for nearly 30 years, we believe in giving back to our community. We have raised our 5 children in Oakdale/Waterford area. We are blessed to have 10 amazing grandchildren. We believe in ensuring the long-term prosperity of our community and giving our time and energy to our community is an obligation we take seriously. With the changes in the last 20 years, where wide open cattle grazing lands began being developed into almond and walnut orchards, our operation had to change and adapt. We did this by converting and diversifying some of our property to custom farming of rice and almonds and the vast majority still in cattle. Water issues have always been the foremost ingredient to be successful ranchers/farmers. I bring more than 40 years of personal experience with me and an additional 9 years of experience from being your OID Director.


Q: What area does Division 4 cover?

A: My Division 4, has a comparable number of voters as the other 4 Divisions, but my area has a higher number of acres. We are roughly situated in the South eastern part of Oakdale Irrigation District. Even if you live in the city limits of Oakdale, you are a member of the Oakdale Irrigation District. A portion of your property taxes is given to the District, that is why you have the right to vote on District representation.


Q: In your opinion, what is the biggest issue (or issues) facing OID right now?

A: Since I have been on the Board at OID these are some of the positive changes that I have had a key role in. Management at OID has changed and improved significantly. Out of Basin water sales have stopped, keeping our Water Rights safer. Implementation of a 10-year program to provide local farmers, out of district, but in basin surface irrigation water, when available, which helps curtail ground water pumping and endeavors to recharge our aquifer, ensuring water sustainability. This program is fully funded by the farmers that benefit from it and is a new positive revenue source for OID. Provide surface water for irrigation of Oakdale City Parks where feasible, which adds to ground water sustainability for our community long-term.

I am adamant about continuing to advocate for keeping water rates affordable for urban and rural alike. Fighting to keep local control of reliable long-term water stability is crucial. Hoping to provide a collaborative source of clean high quality surface water for the City of Oakdale.


Q: Why should people vote for you?

A: I believe I have proven myself over the last 9 years to be a strong, steadfast advocate for you no matter what my opposition has tried to throw at me. I have the knowledge, confidence and support of the majority of voters that have watched my tenure, and I have the tenacity to stand up for myself and for you against the attempts to bully and intimidate. I do not take campaign funds from anyone, I am not obligated to anyone. I am truly an independent proponent for our community. If you want a strong tough advocate for you, vote Linda Santos OID Director Division 4.

Jacob DeBoer
Linda Santos