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Helping One Woman slates inaugural dinner
HOW 1-8

A chapter of the nonprofit organization HOW, Helping One Woman, has been started in Oakdale. The inaugural dinner for this group is scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 15 at the Oakdale Event Center, 335. N. Eighth Ave., Oakdale. The dinner is being catered by Chef John from Reata on Third.

The motto of ‘HOW’ is that “One woman with $10 can buy another woman lunch. Ten women with $10 can buy another woman’s groceries. One hundred women with $10 can make a real difference in another woman’s life.”

Organizers of this first-time event in Oakdale said the January dinner will honor Denise Dotterer, whose husband is battling polycystic kidney disease.

“We will honor one woman each month who has faced significant loss or a challenging diagnosis,” explained Chapter Leader Melonie Rocha. “One hundred percent of the proceeds from the monthly dinner will be gifted directly to the recipient.”

Adriana Beeler is the Co-Chapter Leader for the Oakdale HOW Chapter; Lillian Dillard heads up the Social Media team.

For more information about the January dinner, getting involved with the local HOW chapter or about upcoming events, contact Rocha at 209-765-3386.