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Greek Island Presentation, Tour Information Offered
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Dr. Dale Pederson, veteran tour leader to the Bible lands, Pastor of Escalon First Baptist Church, and professor at Southeastern University, NorCal in Modesto, will with his wife, Tara, give a presentation on the Apostle Paul in Greece and Turkey, on Sunday, Feb. 10 at 4 p.m. at Escalon First Baptist Church. The presentation will include pictures, music, stories, and a few tasty Greek desserts.

Dr. Dale and Tara will be leading an eight-day biblical study tour, following the steps of the Apostle Paul, to Greece, including a three-day Greek island cruise, Oct. 2 through 9, 2019. Tour members will experience ruins of great cities from the glory days of Greece and Rome, monasteries from the middle Ages, significant archaeological sites, beautiful Greek islands and villages, and sites that play a dominant role in the New Testament story. The tour will lead participants in an “on site” study of some fascinating portions of the book of Acts and the life, journeys, and writings of the Apostle Paul.

Complete details, including registration information and a detailed daily itinerary, are available at, or by contacting Dr. Pederson directly at, or by calling 209-718-6130.

Included in the journey are major on site biblical encounters in Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, and Ephesus (on the West coast of Turkey), and a Greek island cruise with shore excursions to the Greek islands of Mykonos, Crete, Santorini, and Patmos, the site of the writing of the book of Revelation by the Apostle John. Tour members will also receive a comprehensive tour manual highlighting the life, ministry, and writings of the Apostle Paul.

The tour is open to anyone who has interest. The tour price of $2819 includes round trip flights out of San Francisco, superior first class hotels, the Greek island cruise, all meals on the cruise and full breakfast and dinner in the hotels on land, and a comprehensive touring itinerary. Optional preparation sessions will also be offered in August and September. The registration deadline for the tour is Oct. 1.

The presentation will introduce highlights of the tour, but is open to everyone. One does not need to be a participant in the upcoming tour to enjoy this afternoon session of pictures, music, and information about Greece, the beautiful Greek islands, and the life and ministry of the Apostle Paul. There is no cost for the presentation and no offering or requests for money will occur. Escalon First Baptist Church is at 1511 Catherine Way in Escalon.