As the 2012-13 school year ushers in a new cast of athletes for each sport, it also offers a chance for the Oakdale Leader to preview Oakdale High’s perennially successful programs on their respective fields of play. Today’s Aug. 29 edition of The Leader features the first of a three part series highlighting ‘Oakdale’s Most Wanted’ athletes and the teams they play for. This week, team previews on Mustang football and volleyball teams can be found on Page B1, accompanied by Old West-style wanted posters featuring two of ‘Oakdale’s Most Wanted’: Spencer Thomas and Kellie Gratigny. Catch next week’s Sept. 5 edition of The Leader to view the next few team previews. Clothing and style for these feature photos is provided via assistance of Bucksworth Western Wear in Oakdale.
Fall Previews Debut Today