The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) is inviting all Californians to learn about – and join the fight against – harmful non-native plants and animals that threaten our state’s natural resources.
The seventh annual California Invasive Species Action Week (CISAW) began Saturday, June 6 and runs through Sunday, June 14, 2020. Historically, agencies, non-profits and volunteer organizations across the state have teamed up to host events for CISAW. This year, due to COVID-19 concerns, activities will be hosted online, including webinars, videos and Facebook live events. Visit to view the schedule.
All Californians can help stop the spread of invasive species by taking small, everyday actions, such as landscaping with native plants, not releasing unwanted pets into the wild, reporting invasive species findings, and cleaning, draining and drying gear when recreating in bodies of water.
Additionally, the winners of CDFW’s annual California Invasive Species Youth Art Contest will be announced on social media during CISAW. The theme of this year’s contest was “Be a Habitat Hero.”
The mission of CDFW’s Invasive Species Program is to reduce the impacts of invasive species on the wildlands and waterways of California. The program is involved in efforts to prevent the introduction of these species into the state, detect and respond to introductions when they occur and prevent the spread of those species that have established.
For questions or more information about CISAW, please contact