WARNING TOWN Warnings and rules are usually there to help protect us, but theyre also kind of obnoxious. I mean, were adults, right? Who wants to be told what to do?
Stay off the grass? You stay off the grass, because Im about to take a nap on it. That waiters going to tell me not to touch the plate because its hot? Forget that. Ill determine whether its hot or not. Im grabbing this sucker with two hands and holding on for dear life.
At the end of the day, however, you now have a full-body rash from the bug killer that was just applied to that grass and your hands are wrapped in gauze from your sizzling fajita platter.
Were not as smart as we think we are as humans, because we have a tough time learning that most of these warnings and rules are there to protect us. The art piece in this video displays this beautifully.
The piece is the bust of a man inside a glass case and a warning on the case tells people to not look into the eyes of the statue. So, what do people do? Look right into the eyes of course.
Go ahead and watch the video to see what transpires and remember, its important to heed warnings. Or not, I mean its super possible your waiter is totally wrong about this plate, too.